What Difference Does it Make to Sterilize Community Cats?

The result of not sterilizing: Dr. Brenda Griffin of Cornell University estimates: "If one unspayed female cat produces two litters per year, and two kittens per litter survive to reproduce, and none of these cats is ever spayed or neutered, the total population multiplies in five years, or ten generations, to 59,049"


TCCF TNVR by the numbers:

2014 (half year after incorporation): 117

2015:   500

2016:   750

2017:    862

ear-tipped male

Statistics - impact

(Statistics from Helping Hands Humane Society's webpage, showing significant reduction in the numbers of incoming cats and kittens into shelter since the inception of TCCF in 2014)Statistics

Ways to Volunteer

Our greatest need is for trappers and trapping assistants.

We also need volunteers to:

  • Transport cats to and from their colonies.
  • Help prepare cats for surgery.
  • Feed and clean in the evenings for cats awaiting surgery and release.
  • Prepare meals for KState and TCCF volunteers on surgery days.
  • Clean the staging area after the TNR is over.
  • Power-wash traps after the TNR.
  • Sew trap covers.
  • Build shelters.
  • Help to organize special events.
  • Help to canvass neighborhoods.
  • Help with community presentations.
  • Maintain the web site.
  • Answer the hotline and speak with caregivers.
  • Fund-raise